Fighting for equality can lead to endless quarrels on scorekeeping and contempt whilst Fighting for equity leads to justice.

Keturah Bartholomew
3 min readJun 15, 2022

As defined by the dictionary: “equality” is defined as “the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities”.

Whilst “Equity”, on the other hand, is defined as “the quality of being fair and impartial”.

It is the year 2022 which means that there is a heightened awareness of equality. The attention has been shifted to matters of discrimination in the areas of racial equality, LGBTQ equality, equality for disabled people, equal employment access, equal access to education, voting equality, housing equality, and even equality in the criminal justice system.

Our children are taught to maintain cognizance of equal treatment, to stand up against discrimination, to reject biases, and to withstand any disapproval for equal opportunities. Whilst this may seem like an advantageous approach to life and advancement in society, if implemented as a principle in life it will yield continuous contention and strife. Here’s why it can be used as a tool for war rather than a tool for peace.

Let’s explore how this mindset can affect a relationship. This concept if translated into relationships can be used as a weapon of mass destruction simply because the establishment of equality in relationships brings a comparative awareness. Where there is an awareness of equality in relationships, conversations will be centered around balance and measurement of efforts. There will be a comparison of chores, time spent, and even measuring sticks of how much time is invested. This now turns the relationship atmosphere into one of hostility and metrics.

I do agree with the masses that change is long overdue in how governments establish peace, however, I do think it is important to consider that equality can breed a generation of hyper-focused minds that are geared towards making everything equal rather than hyper-focused minds geared toward the flag of justice.

If equity is defined as the state of being just and fair then it means that justice for any class, gender, race, or even humanity is paramount over a checklist system. This would mean that concerns will be addressed via the lens of what is fair and just, which creates an overall sense of impartiality and a sense of concern based on one’s needs. In simple words, this removes the ‘ego’, the self-importance, and re-directs that energy to humanity’s importance.

If we were to briefly explore what this would look like within the sphere of an equitable relationship, it would mean that both parties can rest knowing that each one would be giving genuinely, as well as investing without selfish ambitions. It would create a haven for peace and trust. On the contrary, many tend to approach relationships through the lens of comparing what they get out of it rather than what they are investing into it. Research conducted by the International Institute of Pneumatology has proved that in relationships where equity was the priority over equality, there was stability and contentment. Equitable relationships advanced much further and couples were more inclined to commit as well as engage with each other intimately and sexually. This principle is not only specific to romantic relationships but can be applied across the board.

In conclusion, if you’re in a position where you are responsible for the management of a home, family, business, or even relationship, it would be difficult to foster peace and happiness if your inspiration is based on equality rather than equity.

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Keturah Bartholomew

Caribbean born and raised. Keturah is a Minister|Pneumatologist|Master Mentor at the Zane kai Keturah International Institute of Pneumatology.